In your CORNer: The Farmers of TCGA featuring Mike Brundige


Inside the Tennessee Corn Growers Association, there are farmers who are passionate about the corn industry. These corn producers serve as a collective voice in creating a strong Tennessee corn industry today and beyond. They’re often the voice to answer critics of agriculture, to influence policy decisions, and to help consumers better understand corn farming. These are the farmers who deserve a little spotlight, and today’s farmer feature is Mike Brundige.

Mike currently serves as the Chairman of the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board as well as  Vice-Chairman of the Tennessee Corn Promotion Council. In these roles, he helps lead a nine-member Board of Directors and the Executive Director in the oversight of Tennessee’s state check-off program. Funds raised through the check-off program are used to help promote the use and growth of Tennessee corn and corn products.   

Originally, Mike joined Tennessee Corn Growers years ago to participate in the corn yield contest but became more involved in 2017 when he was sought after to help assist with efforts to start a check-off drive, eventually helping it move through the state legislature. 

Mike enjoys participating in Tennessee Corn to support corn farmers like himself and more importantly, be actively involved in a group that has the ability to serve as a collective voice on agricultural issues at the state and federal level.

“The Tennessee Corn Promotion Council was formed to work closely with the Tennessee Corn Growers Association to properly and wisely use the funds collected by the check-off,” said Mike. “If we ask our farmers to give their money to support our programs, then it is important to handle it as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

Mike encourages other corn farmers to get involved with Tennessee Corn to help support and promote the crops that they produce. 

Mike and his two sons farm approximately 4,000 acres in Weakley and Obion counties, growing corn, wheat, and soybeans. 

About Tennessee Corn:

TN Corn is made up of three organizations: The TN Corn Growers Association, the TN Corn Promotion Council, and the TN Corn Promotion Board. All three are farmer-funded and farmer-led. TN Corn exists to research and promote the future of corn products.